I made these two cakes for a very special fundraiser. The son of
our friends was diagnosed with neuroblastoma when he was very young.
He only lived for about 3 1/2 years. Andrew touched many lives in
his short amount of time here on earth. Our town came together to support the family
when they were going through treatment and through the loss of their young son.
Last Saturday, the town rallied again. The family held a FUN-raiser in Andrew's
honor for St. Baldrick's. Of the funds raised for St. Baldrick's, 82% goes
solely to research childhood cancer. If you know anything about these
organizations, a lot of the money raised usually goes to administration
and overhead and very little goes toward the actual research, so this is a big deal.
Anyway, the Nelson's raised $50,000 through this FUN-raiser. It was a very
emotional time. I am so proud of our little town.
#conquerchildhoodcancercake #stbaldricks #andrewsfunraiser